If you're looking for melodies, structured compositions, pleasant harmonies, songs you can whistle, and serenades for social gatherings — seek elsewhere. This is Triple-A Ra: Audacious, Aggressive, Adventurous. In the collection we've titled Stray Voltage, Ra is not so much composing music as painting soundscapes with electronic keyboards. Ra doesn't simply play these consoles — he attacks, cajoles, and pounds them. Stray Voltage compiles unissued electronic peregrinations during the 1970s and '80s, pressed on frosted orange vinyl!
A1. Berkeley DX7 Etude #1 A2. Cosmos Interlude A3. Stray Voltage #62 - Enigma A4. Stray Voltage #201 - Mystery A5. Stray Voltage #411 - The Unknown
B1. Berkeley DX7 Etude #2 B2. Stray Voltage #150 - Riddle B3. After the Spaceways B4. Stray Voltage #166 - Question C1. Stray Voltage #185 - Perplexity
C2. Kuumbwa Interlude #1 C3. Fourth Dimension
D1. Stray Voltage #99 - Dilemma D2. Manhattan Undertones D3. Yesterdays D4. Projection of Equation Infinity